Thursday, August 27, 2009

Thursday, August 20, 2009



Media Fire

Media Fire



Copyright! No worries!

Chipmonks do Christmas

This is my version of chipmonks doing a classic Christmas Carol!

And how did I get past all the copyright infringments you ask???
Easy, all three of these chipmonks are me!

I used Audacity software to record my voice over the top of one another 3 times. I then played with the pitch and the tempo. Nowhere in this post have I mentioned any Disney characters and the words the First Noel where written so long ago it would be absolutely impossible for me to find the writer and ask for permission. Carols have been reproduced in one way or another for years.

When we first covered all the copyright limitations in class I thought, well that puts some limitations on what you can do. Then I thought again. Instead of just getting the english department in to produce a script, lets get the drama department in to do a set, and the music department in the sing some songs. Lets think outside the box and realise that placing limitations on things is a great way to expand a project, not shut it down.

What a great way to get creative!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Voice Threads

Voice thread is an excellent way to promote collaboration on line. You can up load images, documents, videos and voice recordings. These can then be commented on and edited right before your eyes. The uses pop up around the outside of the page so they are easily recognisable and easy to comment back to. If a picture is uploaded the participants in the discussion can even circle items to draw your attention to it.

This tool would be excellent to promote creativity and discussion among a group of learning. To give an example of this in the corporate training field, let us think of a visual merchandising training.
I would upload a picture of a merchandised floor area. I would ask the group I was training to log on at the same time and ad comments and circle things that could be changed to improve the merchandising.


I live these plain english videos. They allow me to understand things much better.

An RSS is a great way to save time when you want to get information from multiple sites. It sends the posts from multiple sites to one destination to be viewed quickly and easily.